喫茶 穀雨(リノベーション)/2022
喫茶 穀雨(リノベーション)


「喫茶 穀雨」と名付けられたその場所は、これまで世界各地で収集してきた小物や器、家具から古物はもちろん、季節や空間に馴染む音景の選定まで、私たちの美意識で満たされています。



撮影:奥野崇 建築設計事務所
Tearoom Koku-u (renovation)

We wanted to create a place that does and portrays what feels good to us, living in the here and now.

As creators of residential spaces, we spent one year fully renovating a 35-year old private home with the idea of working the way we live. As of April 2023, this is our office. At the same time, it is a little tearoom, open just once a month.

The place named Tearoom Koku-u, a word used to describe how rain moistens grains in the field, is filled with our taste of aesthetics in accessories, tableware, furniture and antiques collected from all over the world, and of course our selection of soundscapes that reflect the seasonal ambience.

The gradation as the seasons change, the rich new growth of trees and flowers, the altering light and shade from moment to moment… Through tea and sweets, we want to share the fleeting yet beautiful power of nature surely repeated over and over again, as if to savor the passage of time.
The space and garden are continually being modified so that we can always be in touch with the process of creation, using our own hands too, to work with wood, metal, stone, glass, pottery and plants in collaboration with other craftsmen and artists in an ongoing manner.
  • 施工 : 株式会社もみじ建築 /
  • 住所 : 愛媛県松山市 /

  • 構造 : 在来軸組工法 2階建 /
  • 耐震 : 構造評点0.56~0.92 → 1.00以上へ補強(全方向) /
  • 断熱(Ua値): 2.90 → 0.83へ断熱補強W/㎡・K /
  • その他 : 2022年竣工
奥野崇建築設計事務所 公式インスタグラム